Studio B – 2nd year - mapping and intervention in urban environment

In this project I chose to deal with personal signs. Our sense of orientation in the urban sphere consists of many layers. We feel the space, remember it, react to it, and feel it. Ofir, my brother is visually impaired and he is struggling with his orientation. When he was a kid, he bought himself a method- of marking by the objects in the space the surrounds him. On the way to the garden there was a bus stop, then a house with paintings and the entrance had a red gate. As I was working on the project, I recognized that it was consciously or unconsciously acting in those who are not dealing with evidence impairment. In such ways and others we mark. Whether by using objects and by means of different cognitive means, our ability to reach our urban space is comprised of many of our ability to mark it. At the beginning of the road, I chose to map the same personal signs to each person - how do you recognize that you are at this intersection and not in the other? What is the symbol for you in south Tel Aviv? What passes in front of you on the way to the plaza? From these testimonials I have made personal maps for every person and maps that show the symbol map of different groups. During the last few months I interviewed about 200 different individuals who presented new and interesting pictures to the same spaces.

What symbolizes Tel Aviv for you? Cognitive mapping of the city

Scale change according to the answers
During the process, I faced a barrier. One that is between the real and the most cognitive space. The ability of a person to describe to me in the clearest way what his personal signs are. I assumed that this barrier originated in the written ability of expression in writing and the signs. Through the writing exercise, they have been dictated by four talented writers and maps described in the text. For those I gave an interpretation on two dimensional maps , and later in three dimensions ones. The texts yielded surprising and fascinating results. The marks of the road began to clear -- smells, memories, feelings and emotions began to fill the map.
Draw the same place differently because someone talked about it differently
In the intervention of the boulevard space I chose to act out of the same Cognitive mapping method. Many questions accompanied and refined followed by additional questions. How do I mark and what? I chose to work with milestones that would contain the same symbols that were raised in the texts. After the girls were separated from signs, they allowed them to go to the intersection, to the public. Now every detail can be attributed to his own signs, to his own personal map. A new story was made for a few moments and then collected, allowing for new people, new signs and new stories.
"The boulevard always led me to safe spaces. I don't know what's it like to be familiar with the road. When you feel like you have a diraction, a sense of security is in the air, a sense of home. do you understand the equation?" Yuval, about her sense of orientation on the avenue